Visit jcmband.com for up to date info. Some (unexpected) good news: 2 UK dates announced (with the possibility of more to come)! Looks like the JCM debut will be in England. 09/04 Milton Keynes The Stables 10/04 Wolverhampton Robin 2 In other news from the front: 11 Tracks recorded for the Heroes Album Jonh

Visit www.jcmband.com for tour dates and information. Jon Hiseman writes: “I was due to play a guitar festival in Germany in March ’17 with an old friend, Larry Coryell. I played with him in the early 70s in Wolfgang Dauners ET CETERA, and recorded the album “Knirsch”. Gary Moore and I admired Larry’s 11th House […]

I wrote my Saxophone Concerto in 1988. It took me a year to complete it and I had no idea what would happen to it. When I finished it, to my delight, the Freiburg festival immediately scheduled it on their programme. It opened up a new world to me. I had been concentrating on my […]

The masters and artwork for ‘The Last Fandango’ CD have been sent to the replication plant, so we expect the album to be for sale via Amazon in the first week of December. That’s your Xmas Presents ‘15 sorted “Ten years in the making, we were stopped in our tracks several times by Barbara’s […]

“I’d like to use this very lively forum (Jon Hiseman’s COLOSSEUM – Fan Page) to thank everyone who came to the last few concerts – particularly the crowd at the SBE, who gave us such a fantastic sendoff. To those who couldn’t get to any of the last concerts, but have supported us around the […]

Colosseum in Vienna, 2014 – Photo © W. Gonaus Incredibly I forgot to mention in the booklet info who is singing what on the Album. While all the reviews we have seen so far have been great, some reviewers are obviously confused, praising Chris’s dulcet tones correctly most of the time, but also for his fine […]

© Photo by Peter Szymanski I started playing with Jack in a free-jazz context in the early ‘60s – he was playing double bass and it was like working with an erupting volcano beside you. He was endlessly encouraging and gave me the determination to become a professional musician. But it was working with Jack […]

Hi All, I’m getting confused emails from fans who think there are two albums! The working title for the new album was Anno Domini. However, as the album neared completion, this was changed to “Time On Our Side”. Anno Domini remains as a track written by Dave Greenslade and wordsmith, Pete Brown. It features the […]

Colosseum will be part of the line up at Butlin’s grown-ups only ‘Live Music Weekend’ in Minehead on the weekend of February 6th 2015. Click to see all tour dates “Butlins Live Music Weekends are a fantastic getaway break that combine the very best of Butlins and more. Our adults only Live Music Weekends are […]